Feng Shui

When you improve the flow of energy, you are able to attract what you desire from the universe.

In Feng Shui your luck and good fortune is the sum of three kinds of luck. Heaven luck is the conditions under which you were born.

Earth luck means the positive or negative influence that is represented by your home or what’s right outside your door.

Human luck means your attitudes that determine what you do with your life’s circumstances. When you improve your Human and Earth luck you will influence your Heavenly Luck.

You can create a better flow to achieve what you desire in your life by improving your Earth luck. Feng Shui is comparable to acupuncture for the unified field of energy that includes your home and body. When activating your personal best directions you will improve your flow.

I can help you achieving Information and explanation of your personal energy number, directions of success, health, relationships and growth. You can use this information in any surrounding  like your living room, bedroom, study and office.

Distance Reiki

Maybe you’ve heard of Reiki but don’t quite know what it is. Maybe you’re considering Reiki but aren’t sure whether it’s right for you. Or maybe your doctor has suggested Reiki as a form of therapy complementary to your existing medical treatments.

Reiki aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body. This improves the flow and balance of your energy, which in turn, promotes and supports healing.

Distance Reiki can be more intense, and you really have to commit yourself laying down in a quiet place without a cell phone or television.

Energy can be experienced in the form of sensations like heat, tingling or pulsing where the Reiki takes place. Sometimes, people feel sensations moving throughout the body, while other people do not perceive any change at all. After a Reiki treatment you’ll have to drink more water for at least three days.

Conscious channeling

Channeling can be used as a manner to receive messages and energy as the basis of awareness which we cannot easy achieve in daily life.

This is a kind of Channeling where I am aware of everything that is happening. I have complete control over the experience and can stop at any time. Most of the information received stays in my memory. It is a light trance Channeling where I am aware of the energy while receiving guidance.

Has a loved one passed away or do you have pressing personal questions that require investigation and insight?

“With grace, Growth and Gratitude”